Return of coming near to friend and coffee shop in Gamagori. Running in the alley on time in the evening soonIt is finally coverage. The leaking light came into sight from Haz outlook silhouette, and it car retreated Sharp of a rib horizontal -lined of the concrete strike self-indulgence and Galbarium.
"There was a shop of Interior miscellaneous goods to such a place!"
Though 'Saragaki' mind hurt with the discovered pleasure. Surprisingly, In the shop, it was a practice very course of Perth and same K was an owner before.
From that too much for three years. Though it asked for appearance to 'Saracaki' though it has inadvertently become an extension ahead It is finally appearance.

La Palette atelier

蒲郡市神明町 18-14  TEL:0533-68-8745
営業時間 12:00〜18:00
