
Coffee specialty store "Coffee shop" taught to artist Keiko Yamasaki
It opens in the corner of the water building that became the hall of
"It is a spine of the street and an art festival"
and seeming still half a year.
Be already well known to the coffee party,
and to the charm of the cafe where
the people gather constantly
Share-gaki has approached immediately, too.


墨絵作家のやまさき恵子さんに教えていただいた、 珈琲専門店「ぶる珈琲店」は、“街の背骨で芸術祭”の会場にもなった水上ビルの一角でオープンして、まだ半年とか。
早くも珈琲党に知れ渡り、人が絶え間なく訪れるカフェに、さっそくshare-gakiも、その魅力に迫ってきました。 (「ぶる珈琲店」は、2006年に閉店しました)