2014_01 >_02 >_03 >_04
  • Rice bread

    The rice to see from the interval of the coupe looked delicious (2014.4.30)

  • Mimi a check?

    The cat which was attracted by the fragrance of the pretty bouquet which Y gave to me. (2014.4.28)

  • Salad this morning

    Lettuce of the field of the friend, new onion, butterbur, new tea leaf, half-boiled egg of the morning market. (2014.4.27)

  • Mazus miquelii

    The Mazus miquelii of fertile "TAKASHI Green Park" is big! (2014.4.26)

  • This morning ...

    Knackebrod of a walnut and the sesame, boiled egg, broccoli watercress, Citrus natsudaidai. (2014.4.24)

  • This morning ...

    The Vietnam-like sandwich which sandwiched an omelette mushroom, the vegetables vegetables (2014.4.23)

  • Rhizomatous begonia

    The rhizomatous begonia which I added a red bud to has begun to lengthen a stem straight. (2014.4.22)

  • .

    The flower of the blackberry has begun to bloom. (2014.4.19)

  • Lunch & Kimono fleama

    The menu with two kinds of sandwiches... (2014.4.17)

  • .

    Flower of the Snow poppy as graceful (2014.4.17)


    Lunch of the field (2014.4.15)

  • This morning ...

    Campagne of the walnut, Grill of a pea potato, the new onion, Watercress, Fruit + homemade soybean milk yogurt (2014.4.13)

  • This morning ...

    Salad of the tuna potato, watercress, spa nap pea, homemade soybean milk yogurt, Campagne of the walnut (2014.4.12)

  • Campagne of the walnut

    In a quite appetizing fried color! (2014.4.11)

  • New medicine of the Liriope muscari

    Become the vegetable garden days to work hard,; but in a mode working soon (2014.4.9)

  • Large drop of strawberry

    It is plentiful in homemade soybean milk yogurt

  • The salad this morning is …

    To a boiled egg, sea chicken watercress cabbage the herb fennel mint of the porch. (2014.4.3)

  • Blueberry tart

    I seemed to run it down and was entertained with plentiful blueberry tart. (2014.4.2)