Again, it is to “Ristorante Frascati” Appetizer a fish and white peach, One dish of the rocket salad near the pure breed whose bitter taste was effective. The appetizer ordered one more dish, White bush beans and spelt wheat were boiled well. Herb flavor of trippa. Vermicelli Pomodoro e basil. Dolce is the terrine of a blue tomato and a white peach. It is already moved deeply anyhow! (2009.8/15) URL: Ristorante frascati

再び 『Ristorante フラスカティ』へ
魚と白桃 苦味が効いた原種に近いルッコラの一皿のシンプルで新鮮な食材のコンビに
白インゲン豆とスペルト小麦を煮込んだ トリッパの香草風味
ヴェルミッチェリの ポモドーロ・エ・バジリコ
無花果を使ったドルチェと珈琲で 美味しい余韻を味わった