(March 13, 2011 photography)


It is a northeast on March 11,2011 and is a from massive earthquake. The tidal wave attacked the coastline whole Pacific Ocean. it attacks as Accident of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
The inside of the world is shaken by the unprecedented disaster, There is also no way to make, It just merely prays. and Everyone considered that something can do.

2011年3月11日に東北で巨大地震発 太平洋側の海岸線一帯を大津波が襲った
追い討ちをかけるように 福島第一原発の事故
未曾有の災害に世界中が震撼させられ なす術もなく ただ祈るだけ
そして なにか出来ることをと誰もが思った